Monday 17 October 2011

Continuity Clip Analysis


There is a variety of different camera shots in the sequence. In order to achieve continuity the 180° rule is prominent, which clearly presents the dialogue between Captain Jack and Will Turner. It also brings greater focus to both characters, which is effective as there is an element of surprise at the end of the clip as the audience forget Wills' uncle is still in the scene. This is then supported by the 30° rule, which is also used so that the change of perspective makes the shots different enough to avoid a jump cut, and so the continuity of the clip is not compromised.

The shot reverse shot therefore is also used in the dialogue sequence. It gives us the impression of Will and Captain Jack looking at eachother offscreen. Since they are both shown looking in opposite directions, the audience always assume that they are looking at eachother, which helps the dialogue flow seemlessly.

Match on action is used in the scene effectively to achieve continuity. Will reaches for the pirates hat on the table and we change to a close up shot of the acrion itself. It gives the impression of continuous time when watching the edited sequence. By having Will begin an action in one shot and carry it through to completion in the next, through the editing it creates a visual bridge which distracts the viewer from noticing the cut between two different shots.

Visual use of the shot reverse shot, 180° and 30° rules and match on action technique.

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