Tuesday 18 October 2011

Reflections on Shot

My shot was captured outside and is a low angle tilt LS of Raef Commissar in a mid air jump.  It is timed so that it is in the middle of the jump, which gives the shot a sense of it being in action.  Their is natural light as the shot is outside; the light also brings out the different range of colours in the image, which makes it more interesting. The composition of the photo is deliberately off centre and asymmetrical which has the effect of disorientating and confusing the viewer.  Raef is wearing a hoodie which covers his eyes, which brings a sense of mystery to the image.
     Therefore the image could represent the action genre as it involves a dynamic action with bright colours, rather than a static close up of a fearful looking face that you may see in a horror/thriller.

In order to achieve the effect I chose a location that was open to the natural light of the sun, yet ensure that it was in an area surrounded with building to ensure the light wasn't too bright in the image and also so it gave the image light contrast.  For the low angle tilt I had to position the camera near the ground whilst holdig it in a slanted position.  I then had to time the capture to the exact moment so I would get the best aspect of the jump, which although took several attempts, gave the shot a sense of it being in action.

The things that are successful about my shot were the timing of the capture, the range of colours in the image and the positioning of the camera.  However, in hindsight I would have possibly tightened the framing so that the building in the backgroung wasn't so prominent, or even changed to a location where it is more open, yet still benefits from the contrast of light.  I also believe I could have thought more about how my shot is going to represent a genre, rather than just capturing a good image.

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